Webinar: Weaner and finisher management in Argentina

09-04-2022 | |
Webinar: Weaner and finisher management in Argentina

With the support of 11 Dutch companies, Argentina’s Gitah Porcino Group organised a series of webinars to address practical challenges and solutions in the country’s pork production sector. In this episode, the presenters discuss themes under the topic of weaner and finisher management.

This webinar was held in The Hague, the Netherlands, and was hosted by Pig Progress Editor, Vincent ter Beek. Although aimed at the Argentinian market, the guest speakers are from around the world and shared their expertise from various related fields. The webinar has Spanish subtitles.

Data helps producers not to be on ‘autopilot’

Joining via video and from Columbia is Francisco Tascón, veterinarian by training and sales manager for AgroVision. He discussed how to improve results in finishing barns. He spoke about recording and using data properly, and the value in evaluating every part of the process.

How to improve daily gain

In the studio, Gerjan Huisman, owner of Practical Pig Solutions and speaking on behalf of the Veldman Group, and Janneke Janssens co-owner of Roodbont Publishers, shared their thoughts on how to improve daily gain. Joining via video from Spain, Robert Whittington, manager Latin America at MS Schippers, also spoke about this important topic. In answering this question, the presentations covered various aspects of weaner and finisher management, including satisfying the basic needs of the pigs, feed, the importance of clean water, stockmanship and the ‘look, think, act’ principle. Tascón also highlights how data fits in here.

On this topic, Ter Beek asked where the most gain can be achieved – with the weaners or the finishers?

Reducing mortality in weaner and finisher pigs

In terms of reducing mortality, Huisman spoke about areas of importance of air quality and temperature, ventilation, and how to deal with extreme temperatures. Whittington spoke about hygiene and clean water, and went into greater depth on cleaning and disinfection and a dry environment. Janssens shared her thoughts on early recognition of health problems, and where and why euthanasia applies.

Good stockmanship and the role of knowledge support

Pig production is a team effort, said Janssens, and highlighted the role of support and training given the amount of knowledge is available. Huisman summarises experience and the need for knowledge at newly-constructed farms – from the manager to the staff to the pigs.

In closing, the presenters talk about how to recognise the ideal employee for a pig barn, and talk about who coaches the coach.

Natalie Kinsley Freelance journalist
