Lar invests € 370 million in poultry and pig chains

08-03-2021 | |
A Lar truck ready to bring feed to neighbouring farms at a feed plant in Santa Helena, Paraná state, Brazil. - Photo: Vincent ter Beek
A Lar truck ready to bring feed to neighbouring farms at a feed plant in Santa Helena, Paraná state, Brazil. - Photo: Vincent ter Beek

Brazil’s agricultural cooperative Lar has announced a substantial investment of € 370.5 million for its poultry and pig producing chains in Paraná state. The money will be spent between now and 2024.

The company will use these resources for existing or new slaughterhouses, feed plants and farms mainly in the north and west of the state. Paraná is one of the most important states in Brazil when it comes to livestock production. The investment includes contributions from integrated producers and expansion of Lar’s own strategic activities.

Just for industrial units, the development will take place at plants as Santa Helena, Medianeira (around € 21 million), Cascavel (€ 12.6 million), Rolândia and Marechal Cândido Rondon (€ 70.6 million).

The cooperative expects to create 26,000 jobs, according to Lar president Irineo da Costa Rodrigues. “We are investing in chicken and pork production, integration, and the industries of the pole cities of Rolândia, Medianeira and Marechal Cândido Rondon.

Investments in the pig chain

Because Lar is the 4th largest poultry processing cooperative in Brazil, a lot of the investments will go to the poultry sector. There are plans for the pig industry as well. The cooperative currently works with 2,570 GGP sows, 95 males for semen production, 30,650 sows and 690,000 piglets. Investments of € 6.93 million at 5 nurseries and 44 breeder farms will help to increase production with 23% to 45%.

In 2024, the organisation expects to have 3,170 GGP sows, 150 males, 45,500 multiplication sows, 90,000 parent stock and 1 million piglets. There will be a leap in the production processes of slaughterhouses, farms, pig houses and employees.

In pig production, the Frimesa cooperative is working together with Lar. - Photo: Vincent ter Beek

In pig production, the Frimesa cooperative is working together with Lar. – Photo: Vincent ter Beek

The investment in the pig chain includes Frimesa cooperative installations in Assis Chateaubriand city; Lar is responsible for 25% of the business. Currently, only 5% of Lar’s revenue is from this partner. Lar supplies 3,000 pigs per day to Frimesa for 246 farms in 12 municipalities.

More investments needed in infrastructure

Da Costa Rodrigues made the announcement in early February during an event attended by Ratinho Júnior, governor of Paraná state. After detailing the investments, Da Costa Rodrigues put forward several demands to the public authorities. These included infrastructure and implementation of alternatives for energy production. He said, “No other sector invests as much as ours. We need the state to complete this dream. The governor is doing his part, but we are signalling our urgency.”

In 2019, Pig Progress visited a feed plant of Lar in Santa Helena, Paraná, and learned about the cooperative’s background, goals and ambitions

The governor pointed out that the state is already advancing in most of those topics and Lar’s investments will help Paraná to further increase food production and industrialisation. He responded, “Paraná has taken pride in Lar cooperative throughout its history. We want to make its developing process easier.”

Daniel Azevedo Freelance journalist Brazil
