Spain ranks 1st for pork exports outside the EU

20-11-2019 | |
Spain has overtaken Germany as main pork exporter to 3rd countries in the EU. Photo: Bert Jansen
Spain has overtaken Germany as main pork exporter to 3rd countries in the EU. Photo: Bert Jansen

Since the beginning of this year, Spain has taken over the EU’s top position on the list of pork exporters to countries outside Europe, (the so-called 3rd countries).

That has become clear from an analysis created by the French Institute for Pig and Pork (IFIP). Due to the country’s increase of production, it has increasingly more products that can be exported. In recent years, Spanish companies have fully engaged in non-EU trade.

Spain: 21% increase of pork exports in 2019

Spain’s pork exports increased by 21% between January and April 2019, when compared to 1 year earlier. Over this same period, they progressed towards China, accounting for almost half of total exports from Spain. An additional 37% of the volume is destined for other Asian countries.

That position will most likely be strengthened in the coming months. Several Spanish slaughterhouses are waiting for export authorisations to China.

Read more about pig production figures in the World of Pigs tools

Denmark and Germany used to be main pork exporters

Until 2008, Denmark used to be the EU’s main exporter. The country was dethroned by Germany, which in turn has recently been pushed back by Spain. The 6 leading exporters in the EU together account for 84% of all pork products.

The Netherlands exports is increasing volumes to 3rd countries, which means less availability for intra-EU flows. Poland and France occupy 5th and 6th places. Despite the presence of African Swine Fever in Poland, the country continues to maintain exports to 3rd countries.

Philippe Caldier Journalist
