Sugarcane, sows and stanchions in 3rd issue of Pig Progress

12-04-2019 | |
Sugarcane, sows and stanchions in 3rd issue of Pig Progress
Sugarcane, sows and stanchions in 3rd issue of Pig Progress

An interesting mixture of topics from all over the planet can be found in the 3rd edition of Pig Progress in 2019. It includes reports from various continents as well as high-level nutrition advice for weaner pigs and hyperprolific sows.

In the context of group housing for sows, stanchions keep the middle between free access stalls and no stalls at all – call it individual trough systems. It’s this system Charoen Pokphand Foods (CPF) in Thailand choose to use in the conversion process, moving away from sow stalls. Pig Progress had a unique chance to visit a CPF farm in Phetchabun province, central Thailand. Modern Wichianburi Farm offers many modern aspects – the article can be found at page 16 and further.


Belgium feeling the effects of ASF

The health status of Belgium’s pig industry is excellent, yet still the local industry is feeling the effect of African Swine Fever’s presence in wild boar populations in forests in the deep south east of the country. Indirect price effects also have an influence on commercial swine farms, although the vast majority of them is located nowhere near where the outbreaks take place. Boerderij reporter Anne-Marie van der Linde paints a picture how the feeling is amongst Belgium’s pig producers. Page 22.

Re-thinking basic ingredients of weaner feed

No more antibiotics, no more zinc oxide – feed formulation for just-weaned pigs is becoming a challenge inside the European Union. According to Dr Francesc Molist, attached to Schothorst Feed Research, proper feed formulation starts with a re-think of basic ingredients. In this recommendable and informative article, he discusses fibre, fat and proteins and how to go on from there. Page 6

Nutrition for hyperprolific sows

Talking about nutrition, also in sow nutrition there are challenges. Sows after all get more prolific every year. With them achieving higher levels, their feed supply will also have to be more sophisticated. During IPPE in Atlanta, GA, United States, All About Feed editor Emmy Koeleman attended a forum on this topic, and came back with various interesting insights how to anticipate to this issue. Page 20.

Interview: Sugarcane as a source for yeast

Much is being said these days about yeast products for animal nutrition these days. The source of the yeast can be a distinguishing factor when choosing which type to use. ICC Brazil, due to a favourable climate, is capable of selling and marketing yeast products for animal nutrition based on sugarcane. Correspondent Daniel Azevedo Duarte travelled to São Paulo to interview the company’s CEO, Glycon Duarte Santos. His story can be found on page 10.

The Bigger Picture: Pigs on the market in Haiti

With African Swine Fever in many places in Asia and Eastern Europe, increasingly warnings are being sent out to remember to apply high levels of biosecurity. Exactly that is not the case at this month’s Bigger Picture, shot at a market in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. People, pigs, sellers and garbage can be found in pretty much one location. A recipe for disease transmission. Page 14.

Photo: Ivan Alvarado. Reuters

Photo: Ivan Alvarado. Reuters

Columns on paint and sow mortality

John Gadd’s column this month zooms in on heat stress (just like our special edition) and describes an easy solution: paint the roof white, see page 13. Dr Monique Pairis-Garcia closes off the magazine by returning to a subject she wrote about before: sow mortality in the USA. What is the latest state of affairs? Page 26.


Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world
