Coming soon: Webinar about tackling the gut bugs

01-09-2021 | | |
Coming soon: Webinar about tackling the gut bugs
Coming soon: Webinar about tackling the gut bugs

Salmonella and Lawsonia are 2 members of the bacterial gut population from which pig producers prefer to stay away. On Wednesday, September 8, 2 webinars will be tackling the problem of these gut bugs – and how to stay away from health problems in a non-antibiotic way. The first webinar shall focus on an audience in Asia and Europe, the other on an audience in the Americas as well as Europe.

Register here for one of the webinars  

As is widely known, there is a worldwide tendency going on to reduce the dependence on antimicrobials in weaner pigs. In various regions in the world, usage of zinc oxide at therapeutic levels is also being increasingly discouraged. That leaves producers with the question how to make sure that unwanted bacteria like Salmonella and Lawsonia intracellularis will not affect their pig populations. When the occur separately, they can cause substantial damage, let alone when they occur simultaneously.

Pig webinar with multidisciplinary angle

The webinar “Tackling the gut bugs” will approach the issue from a multidisciplinary angle, with input from animal nutrition company Biomin as well as animal health company Boehringer Ingelheim, paying attention to a nutritional approach as well as a preventive approach.

The webinar will be held twice on September 8. Both webinars will have a long roundtable component, where questions from the audience will be welcomed and encouraged. Naturally, at 8am CET, the webinar will have a strong focus on Asia and Europe, which is also reflected in the first speaker:

During the 3pm CET session, Prof Nicholas Gabler (last picture) of Iowa State University, USA, will take the place of Dr Suphot. The other speakers in the line-up will return in this afternoon session, where the focus will be at the Americas and Europe.

Times of the webinars “Tackling the gut bugs”

The time of 8am CET webinar at September 8 corresponds with the following moments:

  • Auckland, New Zealand: 6pm
  • Tokyo, Japan: 3pm
  • Beijing, China: 2pm
  • Bangkok, Thailand: 1pm
  • Yangon, Myanmar: 12.30pm
  • Sydney, Australia: 4pm
  • Samara, Russia: 10am
  • Moscow, Russia: 9am
  • London, UK: 7am

The time of 3pm CET webinar at September 8 corresponds with the following moments:

  • Samara, Russia: 5pm
  • São Paulo, Brazil: 10am
  • Moscow, Russia: 4pm
  • London, UK: 2pm
  • New York, NY, United States: 9am
  • Des Moines, IA, United States: 8am

Register here for one of the webinars  

Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world
