Higher birth weight good for pig production

30-07-2007 | |

Research in the Netherlands has shown that piglets with a higher weight at farrowing yield better results at breeding, growing and finishing.

The research, instigated by the Dutch Product Board for Livestock and Meat (PVV), showed that piglets with a birth weight of 1,2 kg are less successful in an economic way. The research was carried out by the Animal Sciences Group, part of Wageningen University and Research Center (WUR).

Last decades
Growing litters in the last decades to an increase in the numbers of piglets that perished at and after farrowing. Literature studies show that light-weight piglets have a risk of two to seven times more to die at a young age, in comparison to heavier siblings.

The study aims to clarify the influence of weight at farrowing and weaning for the rest of the pig production process. It can be downloaded here.

Related websites:
• Wageningen University and Research Center (WUR)
• Animal Sciences Group (ASG)
• Dutch Product Board for Livestock and Meat (PVV)

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