Dutch authorities worried about antibiotics use

25-10-2006 | |
Dutch authorities worried about antibiotics use

Dutch authorities are concerned about a sharp increase of antibiotics use in the livestock industry.

This way, the level of resistance against antibiotics is growing, eventually leading to a greater number of diseases in humans that cannot be treated using antibiotics.
Dutch agricultural minister Cees Veerman expressed his concern about the trend, after a report by the Dutch organisation for animal medicine manufacturers and importers (Fidin) had stirred up discussion in Parliament.
The survey revealed antibiotics use in the Netherlands had been increasing by 12% in one year’s time.
Minister Veerman was not able to explain this growth. However, the increase could be a consequence of the AGP ban, in place since January 1st, 2006 in all of the European Union. Possibly for compensation more antibiotics are now being given in other ways.

