Pig Progress presents webinar ‘Robust Piglets’

26-09-2016 | | |
Photo: Shutterstock
Photo: Shutterstock

Following the success of the Piglets Special Edition, Pig Progress is excited to announce a webinar devoted to the theme of ‘Robust Piglets’, to be broadcast on Thursday October 6 2016.

During the webinar, which will last for approximately 45 minutes, 2 speakers will address the theme of how to make sure piglets are robust enough to face the challenges of early life and weaning. They shall do so from 2 entirely different angles.

Sows and piglet robustness

Xandra Benthem de Grave, researcher at Schothorst Feed Research, in the Netherlands, will zoom in on the very topical theme of robust piglets by focusing on how correct sow feeding helps to create better piglets.

Her main field of study is sow research, but especially the option to influence piglet health and robustness through sow nutrition is a very topical one.

Piglet health after weaning

On the other side of weaning – in the post-weaning phase, there are gains to be made. Jacob Dall, technical pig specialist at Vitfoss, Denmark, will focus on how to improve piglet nutrition without the usage of antibiotics or zinc oxide.

His main focus will be on applying high management levels, the use of carefully selected feed components and a well-balanced fibre strategy. This way, it is possible to keep the gastro-intestinal tract healthy.

Webinar time

The webinar will be broadcast live from Amsterdam, the Netherlands at 4pm Central European Time (CET). This corresponds with:

• 5pm in Moscow, Russia;

• 3pm in London, UK;

• 11am in São Paulo, Brazil or Santiago, Chile;

• 10am in New York, NY, USA;

• 9am in Chicago, IL, USA;

Attendance is free – register here.

Interested in reading more about piglets? Take a look at all the articles in our specially launched mini-page on ‘Piglets’ or flick through the online digital magazine ‘Piglets’.

Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world
