Svenska Köttföretagen new distributor of Topigs Norsvin

07-11-2014 | | |
Svenska Köttföretagen new distributor of Topigs Norsvin

Topigs Norsvin has signed a Supply Agreement with its new Swedish distributor Svenska Köttföretagen.

Topigs Norsvin will supply Norsvin Landrace and Z-line for production of TN70 sows and Norsvin Duroc as a terminal sire. In this new Supply Agreement Topigs Norsvin will supply boars and semen to Svenska Köttföretagen AB’s multiplier and distribution network, including technical support to the Swedish pig production value chain.

Topigs Norsvin has already a 40% market share in Sweden with the Norsvin Duroc as terminal sire. This new Agreement is a starting point to grow the terminal market share even further.

Hans Agné, CEO of Svenska Köttföretagen said “The Swedish pig industry is in need of products and technology transfer to secure future growth, and we see Topigs Norsvin as the best and perfect partner to help us reach our bold ambitions.”

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