Wrapping up January: What’s new in the world of pigs?

28-01-2022 | |
Wrapping up January: What’s new in the world of pigs?

As January 2022 draws to an end, it’s time to recap what happened in the global pig business world. Royal DSM had a few announcements to make, including a restructuring of its animal health business. And the world is looking ahead to several large events that can hopefully take place again in a post-Covid world.

DSM collaborates with CPF (Thailand)

Royal DSM has signed a memorandum of understanding with Charoen Pokphand Foods (Thailand) aimed to measure and improve the environmental footprint of animal protein production through the use of DSM’s intelligent sustainability service, Sustell. The service combines an advanced, powerful sustainability calculation tool that utilises real farm data practical solutions to drive sustainability.

In January, DSM also announced a new chapter for its Animal Nutrition and Health business underpinned by 3 business lines. These are Essential Products (vitamins, premixes and carotenoids), Performance Solutions + Biomin (expertise in mycotoxins and competencies in feed enzymes and gut health), and Precision Services (data analysis and diagnostic tools).

More news on CPF this month as well, as the Thai agribusiness announced to commit to buying 100% traceable maize from sustainable sources that are not being harmed in forest areas or burnt for subsequent plantation activities. The company has vowed to also end coal use in Thailand this year and transition towards greener and more sustainable energy sources from biomass, biogas and solar energy.

Antimicrobial event hosted by The Schippers Group

The Schippers Group and Healthy Livestock hosted an online conference about antimicrobial resistance, featuring leading scientists and practitioners in the field of antimicrobial use in farm animals. More than 300 attendees from 60 countries attended to hear about strategies to reduce antimicrobials.

Photo: Schippers Group
Photo: Schippers Group

MS Schippers also launched MS Navel Spray to prevent navel infections in newborn piglets. Each pig is treated individually, and the spread of infections is reduced. The active ingredient of the navel spray is not new, but the product has been further developed by the company to be easily applied.

Danisco product secures OMRI status for organic production

Developed for use in swine, poultry and ruminant feed, Danisco Animal Nutrition’s natural betaine, Betafin BT, has gained Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) listing for use in certified organic production. The product, which is extracted from sugar beet molasses and fermented molasses, is already authorised for use in organic feed production in Europe.

Photo: Danisco Animal Nutrition & Health
Photo: Danisco Animal Nutrition & Health

Devenish opens new production facility in Mexico

Animal nutrition company Devenish, which first entered the Mexican market in 2014, has announced the addition of its latest manufacturing facility in Hermosillo, Mexico. The new location will host the company’s Mexico corporate headquarters and a 2-line premix production system.

Photo: Devenish
Photo: Devenish

Janssen Varkens and Trouw Nutrition partner

Janssen Varkens is the newest partner to Trouw Nutrition’s global network of validation farms. The closed swine farm, with 500 sows and 4,200 fattening pigs, is located in Castenray near the Trouw Nutrition Swine Research Facility in the Netherlands. The farm uses RFID ear chips, which contribute to transparency and traceability through the pork chain by monitoring individual pig data from farm to slaughterhouse. They collect and provide data on pigs’ body weight, growth, health, vaccination programme, antibiotic use, and carcass traits from birth until slaughter and from insemination until the end of lactation. The full production cycle is captured, and an online data connection is established from feed to fork.

Ceva’s calculator compares acid cost with vaccine cost for Salmonella

Ceva Santé Animale has introduced a calculator, comparing the individual on-farm treatment cost of Salmonella with acids for sows and pigs with the potential vaccination costs for the same target groups. The service is free and can be accessed through Acid vs Vaccination – Innovation in Salmonella Prevention.

Lanxess expands capacity of Preventol

Biochemistry company Lanxess is expanding its production capacity for the active ingredient Preventol CMK (chlorocresol) at the Krefeld-Uerdingen (Germany) site by approximately 50% in response to demand for disinfectants and industrial preservation. The expansion will be completed still in the first quarter of 2022.

EuroTier 2022: The “future of animal husbandry”

‘Transforming Animal Farming’ is the theme of EuroTier 2022, which will take place from 15-18 November 2022 at the Hanover Exhibition Grounds. In addition to the trade fair, a digital service on the DLG Connect platform will be available.

United Pork Americas: a pork production connection point

United Pork Americas will take place from 19-21 April in Orlando, Florida (US), to connect pork producers of North, Central and South America. Featured topics will include alternative proteins, world food demand and new technologies. The International Pork Festival will also be held, where pork dishes will be served and new recipes presented.

Natalie Kinsley Freelance journalist
