Podcast: Stress in farrowing sows

15-02-2021 | | |
Podcast: Stress in farrowing sows
Podcast: Stress in farrowing sows

The 11th episode of the Real P3 podcast series turns to South Dakota and zooms in on current US research on stress of sows and how nutrition might make a difference.

The Real P3 podcast series is a recent initiative, where pork professionals from all over the world are interviewed about challenges and solutions in their day-to-day work. In this 11th episode of the podcast series, Dr Casey Bradley speaks to PhD candidate Shannon Dierking, attached to South Dakota State University. She investigates the impact of nutrition on stress of sows pre-parturition – and how she could potentially change farrowing protocols.

In agriculture all her life

Grown up on a farrow-to-finish farm in Nebraska, with also arable farming on the side, Dierking pretty much has been in agriculture her whole life. Looking ahead to the future, she also has a couple of wise words for the pork industry, hoping that it will have a more open conversation with consumers and policy makers.


In the previous weeks, Pig Progress published earlier episodes of the Real P3 Podcast Series:

Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world
