13 Reasons not to miss EuroTier 2022

Photo: EuroTier

1 golden medal and 5 silver medals – that is the score of the pig innovations at EuroTier 2022, to be held in November 2022 in Hanover, Germany. The medalists were announced on September 20 in a press event in Göttingen, Germany. In addition to the medalists, there are more reasons not to miss EuroTier 2022.

EuroTier 2022 is the largest tradeshow in animal husbandry, and traditionally attracts many pig professionals from all over the world. It is known as a platform for innovations and this year, a total of 185 novelties were put in front of a jury appointed by the show’s organisers, the German Agricultural Society (DLG).

Eventually, there were 4 golden and 14 silver medalists. All companies will receive their awards during the trade show in November, for which now an estimated 1,700 agricultural companies have announced their presence.

EuroTier 2022
Photo: Boehringer-Ingelheim

System to analyse pig coughs  (+ animal welfare award)

Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica; Hall 15, stand C10

The SoundTalks system has been in development for many years – EuroTier 2022 marks its appearance on the market. It is a system that continuously analyses pig respiratory health status during growing and finishing. Monitors equipped with 6 microphones register all noises and are capable of distinguishing coughing noises using algorithms. The system can detect coughing up to 5 days earlier than a pig producer would. A traffic light system or a smartphone app warns a producer, enabling swift action, helping to lower antibiotics usage.

Easy lifting of slurry plugs

EuroTier 2022 Photo: Meier-Brakenberg
Photo: Meier-Brakenberg

Meier-Brakenberg; Hall 16, stand A12

Removing slurry plugs is often physically heavy work. Introducing Lifty, the German equipment company introduced a technical solution, consisting of a tripod frame with conically arranged legs screwed into the technology box located above. The box contains an electric winch that can raise a load up to 1m and which uses batteries. In case of wall-mounted slurry stoppers, the producer can unscrew one leg.

EuroTier 2022 Photo: Big Dutchman
Photo: Big Dutchman

Bedding robot

Big Dutchman International; Hall 17, stand B22

Straw bedding very probably is a part of future pig production systems. With the Olliges bedding robot, Big Dutchman developed an approach to reduce straw bedding quantities. The intelligent robot independently decides on how much bedding and where. The robot bases its decisions on an overnight evaluation run, using infrared light, thus excluding potential sunlight-related distortions. At the end of the evaluation run, the robot analyses image material and makes a plan for the next 24 hours.

EuroTier 2022 Photo: Mik International
Photo: Mik International

Thermochromatic piglet nest heating

Mik International; Hall 17, stand G11

Thermo W/E is a new approach for identifying optimised piglet nest temperature. To achieve that, the visible upper sides of the floor heating system elements have a coating of reversible thermochromatic pigments that change colour at pre-specified minimum or maximum temperatures. That enables a pig producer to determine quickly whether there might be a possible heating error. According to the company, the innovation leads to labour management advantages.

EuroTier 2022 Photo: Hölscher + Leuschner
Photo: Hölscher + Leuschner

Mobile marking station with 3D camera

Hölscher + Leuschner; Hall 15, stand E25

The new Optimarker weighing station comes with an optical scale for finishing pigs. A 3D camera determines the animals’ weight, and marks the animals automatically with spray paint on reaching certain threshold values. The system is mobile, as the units are small and portable and can be inserted into simple brackets in different pens if required. That enables the compilation of groups from various pens. It stores measurements in a central database during finishing.



EuroTier 2022
Photo: Schauer

Distribution of de-dusted straw

Schauer; Hall 17, stand F34

The Strohmatic Air ASD is a fully automatic straw distribution system that uniformly distributes de-dusted straw in pig houses. Ran pneumatically, the system enables targeted distribution of straw that also can be automatically controlled flexibly in terms of the time and quantity. The maximum distribution radius is 8 m per distributor. The maximum conveying capacity up to 700 kg/hour. Producers can control the Strohmatic Air ASD by a new, improved control unit that is accessible online and distributes the desired amounts of straw at defined times.

EuroTier 2022
Photo: Agrisys

Whistleblower weighing system

Agrisys; Hall 17, stand D22

A novelty that could not be presented earlier at EuroTier is the AutoPig system, a smart pig sluice that can measure and monitor data about every weaner or finisher pig whilst it is on its way from one side of the pen to the next. By use of an ear tag, data can be collected without disturbing the animals’ natural behaviour. Real-time information gathered include info about activity, feed intake, water consumption and temperature. All electronics are stored in the top module.

EuroTier 2022
Photo: Bewital Agri

Piglet feed with banana and carrot

Bewital Agri; Hall 22, stand A19

With Bewi-San Digest, the German special feed manufacturer Bewital Agri is introducing a new dietary supplement for piglet rearing. The mix of natural, dietary components such as bananas, carrots and carob flour promotes a positive gut development, by e.g. suppressing the development of undesirable bacteria. The product can already be supplied to young suckling piglets in the post-colostrum phase and ensures early feed intake – a decisive advantage for the entire rearing period.

EuroTier 2022
Photo: Weda

Easy-to-use outdoor barrier gates

Weda; Hall 17, stand D05 and Hall 21, stands J13-15

Increasingly, penning concepts are appearing on the German market that allow pigs to go outdoors. Now how to clean those outdoor areas quickly and easily? For that, Weda developed its Quick.Gate, an easy-to-close and open concept. It can convert outdoor pens into 1 lane in no time, after which producers can collect manure or straw very swiftly using a vehicle. According to the company, 20 outdoor outlets are clean in 10 minutes. Special hinges allow the gates to be fixed to the barn ergonomically, whilst it doesn’t give the smaller piglets the opportunity to escape.

EuroTier 2022
Photo: Vilofoss

Fibres and acids to improve gut health

Vilofoss; Hall 21, stand J08

In the search to find solutions how to deal with zinc oxide replacements, Danish animal nutrition company Vilofoss released Fib-O-Min. This mixture contains fibres and acids that improve gut health and also modify the bacterial composition in the gut. The product also comes with a special formulation with vitamin E, which increases absorption and acts as an anti-oxidant. In that sense, the product is related to the company’s CareFoss E-Force innovation for calves, which received a silver medal.

EuroTier 2022
Photo: Dostofarm

Phytogenics for lung health

Dostofarm; Hall 20, stand D26

Feed additives aimed at the pig’s gut are well-known, but German feed additives company Dostofarm came up with the idea to launch a feed additive targeted at the respiratory tract. The product range PhytoSolvan, available for all kinds of farm animals, is a combination of essential oils and herbs and aims to alleviate clinical signs weaners or finishers can have as a result of a lung infection. The material is palatable and will stimulate feed intake. The mixture is also available in organic form, called PhytoSolvan 4Green.

EuroTier 2022
Photo: Big Dutchman

Control system measuring temperature and CO2

Big Dutchman International; Hall 17, stand B22

Big Dutchman presents CaveControl, a 2-zone climate control system. Pig managers can save heating energy while offering a better air quality. To make that possible, they can install sensors directly below the climate cover in nurseries. These sensors measure the temperature and CO2 concentration very accurately, as high levels of CO2 are relevant for inducing uncommon behaviour. Software will control the heating system and will open or close the climate cover automatically as required.

EuroTier 2022
Photo: Miavit

Coated additives for better gut health

Miavit; Hall 22, A30

German animal nutrition company Miavit is launching Miarom Intest C this EuroTier. It is a complementary feed supplement for pigs to support gut health. The supplement contains various active phytogenic components, think of caraway, star anise, chamomille, ginger, cinnamon and oregano. As the additives have a coating, they achieve a slow-release in the animal’s gut. Producers can add the product to compound feed and supports digestion as well as gut health in a preventative way. A liquid version, for addition in drinking water, is available for poultry.

Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world
