Photo: AveSui
Photo: AveSui

AveSui 21st technical seminars for pig production

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Photo: AveSui
Photo: AveSui

AveSui’s conferences will be led by experts and will discuss trends, solutions and updates available in the academic and industrial market relevant to the pig and poultry production chains.

Known since 2001 as one of the main platforms for launches and discussions of relevant guidelines for the sustainable development of poultry and swine production chains, AveSui Trade Fair for Poultry and Swine Industry, which will take place on April 25-27, 2023, in Paraná, brings another weighty agenda for professionals committed to the future of the poultry and swine production chains.

The event, which over the last 21 years has been visited by 62 countries, gathered more than 305,000 participants, more than 3,250 exhibitors and moved about R$500 billion in its business fair, has its programme of technical lectures ready.

With several approaches to the topics ambience, animal welfare, intestinal health and antimicrobial resistance, and a session dedicated to innovative solutions for feed mills, the programme of the 21st edition of the Technical Scientific Seminar of Poultry and Swine at AveSui is mentored by Embrapa Swine and Poultry.

According to the event’s director, Andrea Gessulli, AveSui’s agendas always seek synergy with the themes that are in vogue. “Our programme seeks to meet the expectations of the participants, bringing information and news to those who work with poultry and swine and are always seeking excellence in its work and of the sector,” she said.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence will be the central theme of the 7th edition of the Brazilian Precision Livestock Farming Congress, coordinated by Prof Dr Iran José Oliveira da Silva from Nupea at Esalq/USP, where the main updates and news on the subject will be presented to professionals committed to the continuous improvement of the industry.

Animal welfare

For the animal welfare area, the grid has a special session coordinated by the PhD professor from the Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR-Campus Dois Vizinhos), Angélica Signor Mendes, who will address issues such as ‘Animal welfare: transforming the Brazil of the future’ and ‘Animal welfare and its marketing implications’.

The panel opens with ‘The evolution of the animal welfare theme in the production chain’ and is followed by the lectures ‘Scenario and techniques for welfare measurement in swine farming’, ‘Techniques and indicators of animal welfare in aviculture practice’, and ‘The importance and evolution of certification programmes in animal welfare in Brazil and in the world’.

Feed mills

Under the coordination of Antonio Apércio Klein, SFT trained consultant from the Swiss Institute of Feed Technology, the panel will address topics with a focus on the indicators of expected effects in the feed mill, solid and liquid dosing, milling, and pelleting.

After the opening of the session, the topic ‘Mixing and the addition of micro ingredients’ will be presented by Marco Lara, graduated in Feed Manufacturing Process (1996) Swiss Institute Feed Technology, SFT, Uzwil, Switzerland. “My presentation will give an overview of the mixing and ingredient dosing step, from its objective, presentation of the statistics that serve as a reference for the process control, quality and capacity indicators, causal factors that have direct impact on the dosing and mixing quality, presentation of main doser and mixer models, as well as final recommendations on ingredient dosing and mixing,” says Lara.

Next, feed specialist Marcelo Bueno brings the topic ‘Addition of liquids in post pellets – PPLA’.

The panel’s objective is to present and discuss managerial techniques and technologies available and possible to be used in the feed mill in order to maximise the use of the resources available for manufacturing.


Sanitary control in poultry and swine farms is the main pillar of support for a good performance in all stages of commercial breeding. With that in mind, AveSui brings to the congress participants, topics about African Swine Fever, salmonella, avian influenza (H5N1), preventions and their implications in the poultry and swine production chains.

Intestinal health and antimicrobial resistance

Named ‘Intestinal health and antimicrobial resistance in swine and poultry production’, the panel, which will be held on 26 April 2023, under the coordination of the general head of Embrapa Swine and Poultry, Everton Krabbe, brings an innovative format and already has the participation of the companies Adisseo, Alltech, Anpario, Kemin, MCassab, Perstorp, Phytobiotics, Polinutri and Trouw Nutrition.

“We are working to make the session interesting and dynamic where, in addition to the speech of important researchers, we will also have a space where companies can present, in a pitch of up to 5 minutes, their alternative technologies, to conventional antimicrobials and interact with the public in a round table,” says the general manager of Embrapa Swine and Poultry, Everton Krabbe.

Topics such as ‘meat production and the prudent use of antimicrobials in animal diets’, the PAN-BR Agro Plan and the use of phages in the prevention of antimicrobial resistance, announces Krabbe, are on the panel.

Besides these, the topic ‘Bacteriophages as an alternative for the control of pathogenic intestinal bacteria’ will also be on the panel’s agenda.

Young Researcher Award

Academics and researchers can already register scientific papers in the 22nd edition of AveSui. This is the 10th year that the event divulges researches and technological advances in the areas of ambience, welfare and precision livestock farming, nutrition, animal origin products processing, sanity and genetics, among other areas related to the poultry and swine sectors.

AveSui Scientific Committee, headed by Prof Dr Iran José Oliveira da Silva, president of the Culture and Extension Commission (CCEX) and coordinator of the postgraduate programme in Agricultural Systems Engineering at the College of Agriculture Luiz de Queiroz (ESALQ), emphasises: “The evaluation committee, composed of experts in different areas, will select, according to previously established criteria, the 2 best papers in each area of the event, which will compete for the Young Researcher Award at AveSui 2023.”

To submit their abstracts, authors should access the AveSui website and register their work until 17 March, and acceptance will be given on 31 March. “The presentations are scheduled for 27 April and it is important to emphasise that only the papers that strictly follow the rules of this regulation will be accepted for analysis,” says event director, Andrea Gessulli.

Learn all the guidelines here.

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AveSui Partner profile

AveSui, the Fair of the Latin American Poultry and Swine Industry, reaches its 22nd edition in 2023, bringing innovation, technology and trends of the sectors and will be held on April 25, 26 and 27 in Medianeira, Paraná, at LAR Centro de Eventos, gathering the whole productive chain of poultry and swine together with the Biomass and Bioenergy Fair. Besides the trade fair, the public can also count on the 21st International Seminar of Poultry and Swine, 7th Brazilian Congress of Precision Animal Science, 7th Edition of the Biggest and Best Cooperatives of Poultry and Swine Award.

AveSui Partner profile

AveSui, the Fair of the Latin American Poultry and Swine Industry, reaches its 22nd edition in 2023, bringing innovation, technology and trends of the sectors and will be held on April 25, 26 and 27 in Medianeira, Paraná, at LAR Centro de Eventos, gathering the whole productive chain of poultry and swine together with the Biomass and Bioenergy Fair. Besides the trade fair, the public can also count on the 21st International Seminar of Poultry and Swine, 7th Brazilian Congress of Precision Animal Science, 7th Edition of the Biggest and Best Cooperatives of Poultry and Swine Award.
