Danish survey: NNPD a problem among piglets

08-10-2013 | | |
Danish survey: NNPD a problem among piglets
Danish survey: NNPD a problem among piglets

A large majority of Danish pig veterinarians point to Neonatal Porcine Diarrhoea (NNPD) as the cause of current diarrhoea problems in Denmark’s pig population, a recent survey showed.

The survey, held by the Danish Pig Research Centre amongst 79 Danish veterinarians during the months of May and June 2013, asked the vets to comment on current diarrhoea related problems amongst neonatal piglets, in an attempt to find out more about NNPD.

The majority of the 63 responding vets confirmed they have been seeing significant problems in 10-30% of the herds they practice in.

Approximately 80% of all vets responded fully or partly positive when asked whether recent diarrhoea problems would be related to the NNPD syndrome.

Neonatal Porcine Diarrhoea is not new – in fact is has been observed and described as from 2008. It is different from ‘conventional’ diarrhoea with common prevention not working. It appears to occur with different virulence in the north and the south of Denmark. The majority of vets indicate that infections are the cause of the disease.

As potential ways of preventing the syndrome are named a good living environment, optimised hygiene and an adjustment of feeding intensity and feed protein content. Treatment could occur with e.g. extra colostrum intake and antibiotics.

Related website:

Danish Pig Research Centre

Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world
