Seminar zooms in on rational use of antibiotics

30-07-2013 | | |
Seminar zooms in on rational use of antibiotics

Chinese animal husbandry experts will emphasise the importance of rational usage of antibiotics in pig production, at the upcoming 12th seminar on commercial feed formulation, held August 8-10 in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia.

The seminar invites front line and experienced experts to share the information on how to properly use antibiotics and assess its performance, achieving growth promotion without the occurrence of diarrhoea.

China has both the world’s largest amount of pigs as well as the globe’s highest usage of antibiotics. With questions from consumers as well as critical questions being asked with regards to international trade and food safety, antibiotics has become a focus of concern.

The seminar will present Chinese and US livestock experts, as well professors of higher education institutions. They will give reasonable suggestions as to how to deal properly with the usage of antibiotics in animal husbandry – and share their experience on e.g. nutrition.

The event will be organised by the website Xumuren and Jinhe Animal Protection Network, while being co-sponsored by the Beijing Hongmu Network Technology Company and Jinhe Animal Pharmaceutical Company.

Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world
