Antibiotic reduction solutions – key in next decade

21-06-2013 | | |
Antibiotic reduction solutions – key in next decade

Professionals in the animal industry seem to be looking forward to innovations that will help them reduce the use of antibiotics.

At a recent seminar, themed ‘A global exchange of ideas on eubiotics in swine’, organised by DSM at Kansas State University, United States, delegates were asked what key issues they anticipated in the next five to ten years.

The theme of innovative solutions for antibiotic reduction was one. Delegates pointed to various alternatives as antibiotics are associated with creating resistance. Others also pointed to the explosive population growth demanding solutions for optimising nutritional efficiency.

When asked, delegates pointed to enhanced genetics in animals as well as to feed additives like enzymes and eubiotics as potential solutions. 

Some other key issues named were:

• Environment: Improving slurry homogeneity in swine and creating less excretion of nutrients;

• Quality of pork: Meat quality and the reduction of boar taint;

• Disease and pathology control: Necrotic Ear Syndrome; hyperactivity in pigs; post-weaning diarrhoea; swine dysentery; clostridia infections; endotoxins.

• Adaptation to genetic change: Increasing litter size

• Efficient production

• Animal husbandry

• Feed safety

The survey was carried out with over 20 people, including nutritional consultants, nutritionists and scientists. Each continent was equally represented, with representatives from e.g. the USA, Brazil, Denmark, Germany, Philippines, China and Australia.

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