Russia: Feed production boost will meet pig feed demand

18-02-2015 | |
Russia: Feed production boost will meet pig feed demand

Russian company ‘Mercy Agro Sakhalin’ plans to launch a feed mill by the end of the year with a capacity of 50,000 tonnes per year. One of the demands the plant will meet is feed for pig farms.

The mill will be established on Sakhalin Island according to the head of the project Oleg Zubahin. According to Zubahin the new feed mill will use standard ingredients – wheat, corn and soybeans as raw materials.

“As for the raw material for the production of animal feed we are planning to import soy and wheat from the Amur Oblast and the Altai Krai, while corn will be mostly grown on the Sakhalin,” he said.

Feed mill will meet the demand for pig feed

The representatives of the project also stated that the new feed mill will fully meet the demand of feed production for the pig farms of Mercy Agro Sakhalin. At the same time, some parts of production will go to the market of Sakhalin Island and the neighbouring regions.

“The plant will not only meet the demand of feed in our own breeding complex, but also other agricultural enterprises of the region. It will produce feed for pigs, cattle, poultry and fish farms,” stated Zubahin. According to him, it is expected that the commissioning of the feed mill in general will increase the profitability of agricultural production in the region.

Vladislav Vorotnikov Eastern Europe correspondent
