Russia soon to restore pork imports from Brazil

24-02-2014 | | |
Russia soon to restore pork imports from Brazil

Russian veterinary service Rosselhoznadzor plans to restore pork imports from Russia over the next couple of weeks, said the agency’s spokesman Alexei Alexeenko in press-conference on February 19.

Alexeenko noted that with the restoring of supply of pork from Brazil the main issue is the safety of the product in relation to ractopamine and other growth stimulants.

“In order to ensure stability and security of the supply of pork to the Russian market, the Brazilian side agreed that it is necessary to soon adopt a bilateral document, regulating the process of its production and processing. Within two to three weeks, this issue will be resolved. I think we can recover delivery of Brazilian pork in March,” said the press-secretary, adding that given the recent restriction on pork import from Europe, Brazil is interested in a significant expansion of its pork exports to Russia.

In addition, during the talks held between the representatives of Brazil and Rosselkhoznadzor the opportunities to supply new commodities – in particular pork fat, which is currently in a great deficit in the countries of the Custom Union, were discussed.

“With the outbreak of ASF in Europe, we have lost the pork fat, so we are interested in its shipments from Brazil. Such products have little risk of ractopamine. We are now awaiting specific proposals for pig fat,” added Alexeenko.

Vladislav Vorotnikov Eastern Europe correspondent
