Former US Secretary of State to speak at AgriVision 2015

04-05-2015 | |
Former US Secretary of State to speak at AgriVision 2015

Madeleine K. Albright will be the keynote speaker at AgriVision, an international agri and food conference organised by Nutreco.

Albright, Secretary of State of the United States between 1997 and 2001 will talk about ‘Economy and Security in the 21st Century’. This topic is part of the ‘food security’ theme that Nutreco has chosen for this conference.

“Global food consumption continues to surge yet one in eight people still go hungry. Not only is this morally unacceptable; history tells us that food insecurity contributes to civil unrest and conflict. While lack of food security has complex causes, business in cooperation with science and societal organisations can play a vital role,” according to Nutreco.

At AgriVision 2015, board-level executives in food and agribusiness, influential public officials and key people of NGOs, will discuss ways in which we can bridge the gap between business, science, society and the consumer in order to work towards a world where enough food of sufficient nutritional quality is available to all.

Albright will give her keynote speech on the first day of the event (June 17). Other speakers include:

  • Dr Christianne Bruschke, Chief Veterinary Officer, Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Netherlands (topic: Animal health management in a societal context),
  • Wiebe Draijer, Chairman of the Executive Board, Rabobank (topic: The power of yield leverage in the food chain),
  • Hans Jöhr, Corporate Head of Agriculture, Nestlé (topic: How to regain consumer trust in China’s dairy supply chain) and many more.

For more information, please visit the conference website.

Emmy Koeleman Previous editor All About Feed & Dairy Global
