Trouw Nutrition: Zoom in on limiting antibiotics

06-11-2014 | | |
Trouw Nutrition: Zoom in on limiting antibiotics

‘Limiting antibiotic usage during the pig’s critical transition periods’. That is the theme of Trouw Nutrition’s seminar which will be held at EuroTier, 11-14 November.

With this theme, the Dutch company, a division of agribusiness Nutreco, is touching on a topical subject in the European Union. Since the ban on antimicrobial growth promoters in the European Union in 2006, pig farmers have been dealing with a bigger challenge to maintain a high health status, especially during transition periods, e.g. from the farrowing to the weaning facilities. In addition, in various countries authorities are aiming to reduce the usage of therapeutic antibiotics as well.

To achieve a responsible use of antibiotics in animal production, a broad approach is required in which farmers are forced to reconsider the way they manage their livestock and search for alternatives. The question will be answered which themes pork producers can take to reduce antibiotic usage and also optimise financial results.

Speakers will include:

  • Albert Vernooij, industry analyst animal protein, Rabobank. He will emphasise on the challenges of the EU swine industry.
  • Prof Johannes Kauffold, University of Leipzig. He will explain how to define key health management factors during transition from gestation to lactation and weaning.
  • Theo van Kempen, senior researcher, Nutreco R&D. He is presenting the impact of feed composition on intestinal health.
  • Barbara Brutsaert, product manager at Selko Feed Additives. She will show recent advantages indicating that a combined dietary strategy of microbiota stabilisation and gut barrier enforcement is effective and of economic value for producers.

The seminar requires registration, after which a confirmation will be sent automatically.

The event will be held in room ‘Bonn’ in the EuroTier Convention Centre.

The company can be found in Hall 14, stand G20.

Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world
