Soon to come: From feed to food webinar

28-01-2021 | | |
Photo: Shutterstock
Photo: Shutterstock

How are the different players in the feed and food sector connected when it comes to feed safety? And what issues actually matter to them? Those questions will be key in the 2nd episode of the GMP+ International webinar series in cooperation with All About Feed.

The webinar forms part of a longer road leading up to the 2022 Global Feed Safety Summit, to be held in Berlin, Germany in April 2022. The 1st webinar, on feed safety and security with special attention for African Swine Fever virus, can be reviewed on demand.

Register here for the webinar on Feb 3rd  

Insights from retail, food and feed leaders

The 2nd webinar will be broadcast live from Rotterdam, the Netherlands on Wednesday, February 3 at 2pm. The theme of the webinar is ‘From feed to food: one goal, different challenges – actionable insights from retail, food and feed leaders’.

Most likely, the words ‘connection’ and ‘communication’ will be heard regularly in this webinar – and speakers will zoom in on how the players in the feed and food business will interact with each other. After all, producing feed and food is more than just making sure that the processes and safe and sustainable. Traceability, sourceability and transparency also matter. So how can all this be organised?

On behalf of GMP+ International, Johan den Hartog will make a few introductory statements after which 3 expert speakers will discuss the topic in more detail, each from their own perspective.

Speakers from Tesco, Trouw and Agrosuper

John Kirkpatrick will kick off with a presentation on behalf of UK retail chain Tesco. He is agricultural manager for poultry and eggs and is responsible for agricultural supply across feed mills, breeders, hatcheries, grow out, catching/transport and slaughter across all avian species and eggs. He led a change programme across the retailer’s poultry and egg division to, improve the customer offer and promote trust and transparency with farmers and consumers alike.

Next, Mia Lafontaine will speak on behalf of Trouw Nutrition. She is the company’s sustainability manager. Her key mission is to think about how Trouw Nutrition can deal more wisely with resource use as a company in the global feed business.

The 3rd speaker will be Dr Wolfgang Peralta, head of swine feeding and production at Agrosuper in Chile, one of Latin America’s largest swine producers. Dr Peralta has recently been overseeing the direction the company is taking with regard to swine feeding, nutrition and genetics.

Timing of the webinar ‘From Feed to Food’

The webinar will take place on Wednesday, February 3, at 2pm Central European Time. That time corresponds to:

  • Chicago, IL, United States: 7am
  • Atlanta, GA, United States: 8am
  • São Paulo, Brazil: 10am
  • London, UK: 1pm
  • Kyiv, Ukraine: 3pm
  • Moscow, Russia: 4pm
  • Abu Dhabi, UAE: 5pm
  • New Delhi, India: 6.30pm
  • Bangkok, Thailand: 8pm
  • Beijing, China: 9pm
  • Tokyo, Japan: 10pm
  • Adelaide, Australia: 11.30pm

Register here for the webinar on Feb 3rd  

Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world
