ASF Greece: No further cases reported so far

21-02-2020 | | |
A veterinarian disinfecting a backyard pig house. Photo: Iwona Markowska-Daniel
A veterinarian disinfecting a backyard pig house. Photo: Iwona Markowska-Daniel

The outbreak of African Swine Fever on a small backyard farm in Greece for now appears to have been an isolated case. Additional research has not demonstrated a spread.

Immediately after the discovery of the outbreak on February 3, protective measures were put in place. The farm, in Nikoklia village, near the town Serres in northern Greece, had 32 pigs of which 1 had died of African Swine Fever. The authorities had animals culled in a 3km radius around the farm and transport bans were put in place in a 10km radius around the farm.

Intensive ASF surveillance carried out

According to the Greek agricultural title
Ypaithros, surveillance has been carried out in an area extending up to 20km in the surroundings. Intensive controls will continue until April 6.

The website wrote: “The control for the central municipality has been completed, as well as in 2 more municipalities in the wider surveillance zone, with no new outbreak detected.” According to Ypaithros, 5 teams of veterinarians will continue to go door-to-door to assess the situation.

Track the movement of African Swine Fever For everything you need to know about ASF, from the latest outbreaks to controls stay up to-date…

ASF overview presented at European Commission

In an overview presented at the European Commission, the Greek authorities currently still are wondering what could have been the most likely route of infection of the virus. No conclusions have been drawn yet, while various theories are being considered, like e.g.:

  • Wild boar;
  • Contaminated feed;
  • Contact with infected materials;
  • Illegal movements;
  • Human factor.
Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world
