S Korea – FMD vaccine aid to N Korea

26-02-2014 | | |
S Korea – FMD vaccine aid to N Korea

It was recently reported that the Foot-and-Mouth disease (FMD) outbreak in North Korea has urged the South Korean agriculture ministry to step up biosecurity measures at the border. Now South Korea has offered to send vaccines and medical equipment to North Korea.

This decision was made in order to stop the disease and also halt its spread. The outbreak which began at the Pyongyang pig factory, Dokdong-ri, Sadong, P’Yongyang-Si, on 8 January 2014 has spread to 17 units in Pyongyang-si (Sadong, Ryokpo, Sunan and Rakrang districts) and in Hwanghae-Bukto (Junghwa and Kangnam counties). At least 3, 200 pigs have been affected.

“In our proposal today, we called for talks on an emergency shipment of vaccines and medical equipment to North Korea,” a South Korean unification ministry official said.

South Korea does not import meat from North Korea. Previously in a 2007 FMD outbreak, South Korea provided medicine and equipment to the North.

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