UPDATE: Foot-and-Mouth confirmed in North Korea as well

11-02-2011 | |

North Korea has stated that Foot and Mouth disease (FMD) has been found in the country.

It has been reported that currently the main affected areas includes the capital Pyongyang, however the disease has made its way to eight provinces. Also, “North Hwanghae and Gangwon provinces suffered the most damage,” stated the North’s Korean Central News Agency (KCNA). Over 1,000 head of oxen, cows and pigs had been infected and thousands of animals have died thus far.
Official data supplied by the Organization for Animal Health reported that 17,522 pigs have been found susceptible, of which 8,640 pigs have been found dead.
North Korea reported the outbreak to the FAO on Wednesday, said South Korea’s agriculture ministry. Vaccination has been applied with a locally developed vaccine, but [it] was not effective to control the disease, the OIE reported.
South Korea
In recent months, South Korea (SK) has also been combating FMD which spread across the country over the last three months – with vaccinations taking place across the country. North Korea placed a ban on receiving pork and beef from South Korea since late last year – this came about due to fear that the disease may spread. 
In South Korea 3 million livestock were to be culled. Losses for SK are said to be around 2 trillion won (USD 1.8 billion) and the disease caused a price hike for pork, however, it is not yet known whether the disease has spread from the South to the North.
There has been no comment from the FAO regarding the outbreak in North Korea.

