View: Webinar ‘Improve Pig Productivity’

10-02-2016 | | |
View: Webinar  Improve Pig Productivity
View: Webinar Improve Pig Productivity

How to improve pig productivity? Can it be achieved by applying multi-phase feeding? Or choosing different climate solutions or perhaps looking at pig genetics? Answers were provided at Pig Progress’ webinar ‘Improve Pig Productivity’, held at February 9, 2016.

The webinar, broadcasted live from Amsterdam, the Netherlands, featured three expert speakers who all focused on different strategies to enhance pig productivity, predominantly in the grow-finisher sections.

Genetics & pig productivity

Benny van Haandel, director and owner of E-Barn Solutions, the Netherlands, gave a presentation titled ‘Are our current pig genetics future proof?’ He touched on the question how new developments in various areas and markets affect the required characteristics of future top performing pigs.

Feeding strategy & pig productivity

Secondly, Ludo Bosschaerts, product manager, pigs, at feeding and drinking equipment manufacturer Roxell, spoke about multi-phase feeding. He discussed how this feeding strategy produces better feed conversion ratios and has a positive impact on average daily gain (ADG).

Climate & pig productivity

Thirdly, Merete Lyngbye, PhD, director for the livestock segment at Swedish climate solution company Munters, spoke about climate solutions to improve pig producers economy and environmental footprint.

Hosted by Vincent ter Beek, editor of Pig Progress, the webinar is now available to watch back at your own pace and time. Just follow the link, click the button ‘watch’, and you will be able to view the entire webinar for free.

Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world
