Robotics in pig production – a glimpse of the future (part 2)

09-10-2015 | | |
Robotics in pig production – a glimpse of the future (part 2)

Admittedly, an environment consisting of large omnivores and corrosive air quality might not be the best place to introduce very advanced technology.

Still, some advanced innovations make it successfully into pig production – and this does include robots. How and when can they replace a human hand in the pig house? Part 2 looks at the CleverCleaner – which can clean an empty pig barn all by itself.

Jan Sandberg, managing director, Envirologic, Sweden about the CleverCleaner – a robot that will clean an empty pig barn all by itself.

Sandberg was asked several questions, from what is a robot to his expectations for robotics within pig production in the future.


  1. What is your definition of a robot?
  2. When did your company launch this type of machine for the first time?
  3. When and how did you realise there was an application for swine?
  4. In a nutshell, what does the robot do in the pig house?
  5. How many have you sold?
  6. In which countries?
  7. Where is your biggest market for this type of robot?
  8. How do you explain the success of the robot?
  9. What is your expectation for robotics in general for pig production in the future?

The answers are in the image!

Pens clean with pre-programmed precision


See Part 1 – the JHministrø – which can disperse straw to sow pens.

Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world
