Podcast: Robert Hoste on pig production worldwide

Photo: Vincent ter Beek

Today marks the start of the 4th season of the podcast series “Meet the Expert.” In this podcast series, global opinion leaders answer practical questions revolving topics of swine health and management. This episode takes a global look at pig production, with senior pig production economist Robert Hoste of Wageningen Economic Research.

The “Meet the Expert” podcast series is made by Pig Progress in cooperation with Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health.

Developments in pig populations

In this podcast, hosts Vincent ter Beek and Iris Hofman on behalf of Pig Progress speak to Robert Hoste, who discusses the latest developments with regard to pig populations in major pig producing countries around the globe. That means a deep dive into the situation in China – and how it dealt with the ASF waves in recent years, but also a look into the USA, Brazil, the EU (with special attention for Spain, Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands).

Obviously, Hoste also looks ahead into the future, with opportunities being touched on related to pig production in Africa and what will be the role of meat alternatives.

As from today, a new episode in this podcast series will appear online every 1st Monday of the month – so expect the next episode to be online on Monday, January 1, 2024. In that episode Lance Mulberry will join, touching on the topic “Homogenising pig growth”.

This podcast can also be found via all podcast channels, like Soundcloud, Spotify, Google Podcasts or Apple Podcasts.

Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world
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